Using install script
What is an install script?
Tips for using script tools
Launching install and uninstall scripts
Local installation scenario
Using install scripts with batch files
Creating install scripts
Script requirements
Creating install script sections
Creating the OEMProduct section
Creating the ComponentTargetDir section
Creating the Install section
Creating the Drivers, PrinterY, and FaxY sections
Creating the Scanners section
Creating the Ports and PortY sections
Creating the Dashboard and DeviceId sections
Creating the Network_Twain section
Possible language values
Creating uninstall scripts
Creating the Uninstall section
Creating the Printers section
Creating the Ports section
Creating the Devices and DeviceY sections
Creating the LanguageMonitor section
Frequently asked questions
How do I find product-specific information?
How do I apply a Driver Configuration File (DCF)?
Solving script problems