Launching install and uninstall scripts

  1. Download, and then extract the Package Builder Webpack for the printer model.

  2. Locate the InstallGui application found in the \Install\x86 and \Install\x64 folders.

    Note: Make sure to invoke the version that corresponds to the platform of the target computer.
  3. Provide launch parameters.




    Indicate where to find your script file.


    Indicate where to generate your log file. The log file records what happens when the install script processes your script.


    Run in uninstall mode.

  4. Launch the script from a command prompt with an instruction that resembles the following:

    For install scripts:

    E:\install\x86\InstallGui.exe /I:J:\source\scripts\script.isf /O:C:\script.log

    For uninstall scripts:

    E:\install\x86\InstallGui.exe /U /I:J:\source\scripts\uninstall.isf